64-Bit Assembly Language Lab

After successfully setting up the servers, namely 

AArch64 and x86_64.  

Step 1 involved reviewing AArch64 assembly code, including examining the code with objdump to understand the correspondence between source code and machine instructions

Step 2 introduced a basic loop structure in AArch64 assembly, looping from 0 to 9 using register x19 as the index counter. The code provided a skeleton loop structure but did not perform any meaningful actions within the loop.

 .globl _start
 min = 0                          /* starting value for the loop index; **note that this is a symbol (constant)**, not a variable */
 max = 10                         /* loop exits when the index hits this number (loop condition is i<max) */
     mov     x19, min
     /* ... body of the loop ... do something useful here ... */
     add     x19, x19, 1
     cmp     x19, max
     b.ne    loop
     mov     x0, 0           /* status -> 0 */
     mov     x8, 93          /* exit is syscall #93 */
     svc     0               /* invoke syscall */
The code to include loop index values, showing each digit from 0 to 30 in AArch64 assembly language:

.globl    _start
start = 0                       /* starting value for the loop index; note that this is a symbol (constant), not a variable */
max = 31                        /* loop exits when the index hits this number (loop condition is i<max) */
    mov     x20,start         /* loop index */
        mov    x22,10
        udiv   x23,x20,x22       /* divider */
        msub   x24,x22,x23,x20   /* remainder */
        cmp    x23,0           /* see if quotient is greater than 0 */
        b.eq   msgChanger
        /* print divider */
        add    x23,x23,48
    adr    x26,msg+6
        strb   w23,[x26]
    add    x24,x24,48                     /* added r24+48 to r24 */
        adr    x27,msg+7                      /* because it does not have immediate mode */
    strb   w24,[x27]                      /* added number after 'Loop' */
        mov    x2,len                         /* message length */
    adr    x1,msg                         /* message location */
    mov    x0,1                           /* file descriptor stdout */
    mov    x8,64                          /* syscall sys_write */
    svc    0
    add     x20,x20,1                     /* increment index */
    cmp     x20,max                       /* see if we're done */
    b.ne    loop                          /* loop if we're not */
    mov     x0,0                          /* exit status */
    mov     x8,93                         /* syscall sys_exit */
    svc     0
.section .data
        msg:    .ascii      "Loop:   \n"
        len = . - msg

The code to include loop index values, showing each digit from 0 to 30 in x86_64:

.section .text .global _start .equ start, 0 /* starting value for the loop index */ .equ max, 31 /* loop exits when the index hits this number (loop condition is i<max) */ _start: mov $start, %rax /* loop index */ .loop: mov $10, %rbx /* divisor */ xor %rdx, %rdx /* clear the upper part of the dividend */ div %rbx /* divide %rax by %rbx, quotient in %rax, remainder in %rdx */ cmp $0, %rax /* see if quotient is greater than 0 */ je .msgChanger /* jump if quotient is 0 */ /* print quotient */ add $48, %rax /* convert to ASCII */ mov %al, msg+6(%rip) /* store ASCII character in message */ .msgChanger: add $48, %rdx /* convert remainder to ASCII */ mov %dl, msg+7(%rip) /* store ASCII character in message */ mov $len, %rdx /* message length */ lea msg(%rip), %rsi /* message location */ mov $1, %rdi /* file descriptor stdout */ mov $1, %rax /* syscall number for sys_write */ syscall /* invoke syscall */ add $1, %rax /* increment index */ cmp $max, %rax /* see if we're done */ jne .loop /* loop if we're not */ mov $0, %rdi /* exit status */ mov $60, %rax /* syscall number for sys_exit */ syscall /* invoke syscall */ .section .data msg: .ascii "Loop: \n" .set len, . - msg

In conclusion, delving into AArch64 and x86_64 assembly languages provided a profound understanding of low-level programming concepts and intricacies. Through practical exercises, I gained insights into loop structures, register usage, and system calls specific to each architecture. Debugging assembly code offered a unique challenge, requiring meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of hardware-level operations. Comparing 6502, x86_64, and AArch64 assembly languages highlighted their respective strengths and complexities. While 6502 felt rudimentary, x86_64 and AArch64 offered more sophisticated features and optimizations. Writing in assembly illuminated the inner workings of computer systems, fostering a deeper appreciation for higher-level languages' abstractions. Despite its complexity, mastering assembly language empowers programmers to optimize performance-critical code and gain a deeper understanding of computer architecture. Overall, the experience underscored the importance of understanding low-level programming for building efficient and robust software systems.


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